Detailed Overview About Various Services We Offer.

Detailed Overview About Various Services We Offer.
What other services do we manage for your organization at Additional Costs.
We are your Security Management System Resources with a vision for National and Global Security Risk Management. We are your one-stop Security Management Resources Services organization to help you and your organization achieve its aims and objectives. We provide for all your national and global locations programs. And we deliver the best quality services that are up to your expectation and entire satisfaction. Our comprehensive report includes the security risk and threat assessment management strategy that applies equally across the global village. This includes the insight from our professional consultants, who provide you and your organization with the following:
The professionals of our organization cover all issues leading to Security Risk Management, Global Security Travel, and all other Security programs, which include the strategy and operation of associate policies and guidance in alignment with critical internal and external stakeholders in support of your organization's travel duty.
We provide professional coverage for your special events and business meetings.
We also provide Executive Protection guidance, which includes planning and execution of the executive protection services for residential security, ground transportation security, in-office security, event security, and travel security to protect executives at all levels.
We help and support the creation of policy, procedures, and compliance reference protocols for guidance for meetings, delegate missions, and consultation on the risk associated with events.
We extend our services for your organization’s Executive protection for the CEO, Chairman of the Board, the Executive Committee, and the Board of Directors. We also oversee oversight inspections for the Global Travel Security programs that are managed at the 24/7 Global Security Operations Center, which serves as the monitoring and operational wing of the Global Security Management System.
We extend and manage the entire processes of Security Risk Management Resources for Global Security that serves as the Center of Operations for the liaison of Crisis Management, including overseeing the accountability for employees, travelers, and associates in the impact area of crisis events as well as the collaboration with activated Crisis Management Team’s and for the Operational Crisis Response Team that is responsible for all hazards including natural disasters, pandemics, and other geopolitical events.
As your organization's one-stop resource, we are your Security Management System Resources and Security Risk Management platform. We are your Global Security Management organization which shall be responsible for the Global Security arrangements locally and globally. It shall be our responsibility to involve our organization's professional security consultants in creating the ongoing Security Management System Resources consultant’s expert strategies for managing Global Security all the way.
Within the current Global Security Management System and Resources, we also provide and cover the following for your organizations at an additional cost to your organization:
- Background Check Security Services
- Access Control Management Services
- Video and CCTV Management Services
- Visitor Security Management Services
- Emergency Communication Services
- Incident & Crisis Management Services
- Security Threat and Intelligence Services
- Business Travel Security Management
- Vendor Security Management Services
- Minimum Residential Security Standards
As the Security Management System Resources Services (SMSRS) and Risk Management Services provider, we manage your organization's National and Global Security needs to your utmost satisfaction.